Meet The Founder
Jack W. Howard

Jack Howard…aka J-Dubb, was born and raised in Georgia. From an early age he seemed fascinated with machines and how they operated. His journey began in the automotive industry in Detroit, Michigan where he was introduced to a multi-spinal screw machine. He was captivated by its intricacies, and quickly became exceptional at operating and maintaining them. Driven by a desire to master his craft, he embarked on a journey across the United States. He visited various machine shops, learning from seasoned machinists and gaining hands-on experience with different types of precision machinery. By the late 1960s, Jack had established himself as one of the most knowledgeable individuals in the country when it came to precision machining with Davenport machines. In 1974, he decided to start his own company in Utah. The company quickly gained a reputation for delivering high-quality precision machined products.
In 2003, Jack sold his company to his son Ryan who grew up working under his father’s guidance since he was 9 years old. Ryan decided to rebrand to Howard Precision Machined Products to better represent what the company produces. Pretty much immediately following the purchase of the company, Ryan made the dicision to invest in single spindle CNC machines. In doing so he created even more opportunities for the company to continue to thrive, staying true to the principles of precision and quality that still stand true today.

Ryan Howard -Owner